Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sociaty of Genealogists London

EOS.Web OPAC: "Welcome to SOGCAT, our on-line library catalogue, listing the holdings at our premises in London. The catalogue contains details of everything in the library except the Document Collections.

SOGCAT is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund

Some of our databases are available on the Origins web site. To search other items listed on this catalogue, you must either visit the library or follow the link on the left to our search and copy service.

How to use the catalogue.

Click on the downward pointing triangle to the right of the 'Look for:' box & choose SU (Subject). Type in the first 6 or so letters of the place name, surname etc. in the 'Begins with:' box & click 'Go'. NB For place names beginning North, South etc. enter the second element of the name eg. Cadbury for North Cadbury"

The Society has decided to upgrade the web server service provided by
NetBenefit to take advantage of better support and to prepare for
additional features planned for 2008. This will mean that on 2/3
January 2008 the Society's website ( may not operate
as usual for about 24 hours.

Scottish genealogy

Official government source for Scottish genealogy, census and family research - ScotlandsPeople: "Welcome to ScotlandsPeople, one of the largest online sources of original genealogical information.

With almost 50 million records to access, we hope your visit will be enjoyable and that you are successful in connecting generations.

*** New Data Announcement***
We are pleased to announce that this year we have received permission to
release the new years statutory data earlier than in previous years.
Customers can now access, online, records from the Statutory Register of
Births for 1906, the Statutory Register of Marriages for 1931, and the
Statutory Register of Deaths for 1956. Almost 100,000 new index and
corresponding image entries have been added to the site, amounting to six
gigabytes of data. . . . . just deployed the biggest
single district list update on the site to date. These include corrections
of indexing district names for Statutory Birth, Death and Marriage
indexes. Please note that these updates may result in new results
appearing in previous searches.

OPR index update, OPR district/county search and the addition of OPR
images. RCE images were also added,"

Online Family Tree Announcement Blog - » Online Family Tree Announcement: "We know how much time and energy you’ve put into your tree and we’ve done our best to make sure you don’t lose a bit of it as you change systems."

Friday, December 14, 2007


Hercules Participates in $150 Million Syndicate Financing by Providing $17.5 Million in Debt and $500,000 Equity Capital to The Generations Network, Inc.

Hercules Technology Growth Capital, Inc. (NASDAQ: HTGC), the premier specialty finance company providing venture debt and equity to venture capital and Private Equity backed technology and life science companies at all stages of development, today announced that it provided a combination of $17.5 million in debt financing and $500,000 of equity capital as part of a larger leveraged recapitalization on December 5, 2007, to The Generations Network, Inc. ? an online NETWORK of family history Web sites."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Spot of Sun

A Spot of Sun: Tradition #13 - Parties: "this weekend with the Generations Network party on Friday in Midway at the Zermott Resort . . .

Friday we headed off for a night of celebrating at Matt's work party. It was held at a charming "Swiss" resort in Midway, Utah. There was a great buffet, a fun band, a hilarious magician and a comedian we never made it to. There were also some games with prizes. We ended up winning two $25 gift certificates, one to Best Buy and one to iTunes. We also got a 1 gig thumb drive. We failed to win the cruise or huge tv, but it was certainly charming and fun."

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


SnapGenie - The easiest way to add narration to your photos!: "Share the stories behind your photos with SnapGenie. SnapGenie helps you easily build and share narrated photo slideshows in a matter of minutes. 1. Upload up to 50 photos per show 2. Use a phone to narrate your slide show 3. Publish it and share with family and friends With the click of a button you are ready to share your SnapGenie show."

a forgotten beta site owned by TGN "Copyright2025 © 1998-2007, Inc. "

seen in The Cincinnati Post - Preserve memories on
Genealogy tips are provided by the Kentucky history staff of the Kenton County Public Library. This tip was provided by Jan Mueller. Contact the library's local history department by calling (859) 962-4085 or via e-mail at The library's genealogy Web site can be found at